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Home » Delegationsreisen » 53. Delegation / Sept. 2007
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Celebrations of Septamber 8 / Sep 2007 :: arrow Celebrations of Septamber 8 / Sep 2007 (22)

At the occasion of the celebration of September 8 (which marks the Macedonia's national holiday and at the same time Kruševo's liberation from the fashist occupation in 1944) the Municipality of Kruševo honoured our association GGBS with the award of September 8.  While this was not meant to be the main goal of this delegation (I only learned about it when we arrived there), it was definitely its highlight!

Mounting of the blackboards / Sep 2007 :: arrow Mounting of the blackboards / Sep 2007 (42)

The main goal of this delegation was the workmanlike and safe installation of the 9 big mechanical school blackboards at the Nikola Karev primary school in Kruševo.   GGBS had received these blackboards from the secondary school center Studen and the primary school of Aegerten  and, together with school desks and chairs,  had them transported to Macedonia in July.  As you can see from the photos, mounting blackboards is heavy labour...

Nikola Karev primary school in Kruševo :: arrow Nikola Karev primary school in Kruševo (48)
Given that all of the blackboards and school furnitures transported to Kruševo during the summer were destined for the Nikola Karev school, it is natural that during this delegation I passed a lot of time at this school.  The teachers and student were very happy to have received the used Swiss school furniture and blackboards.  It's just a pity that there was not enough of them to redo all of the 15 classrooms...

Kiril i Metodij Primarschule in Bučin / Sept. 2007 :: arrow Kiril i Metodij Primarschule in Bučin / Sept. 2007 (15)
Vom transportierten technischen Material erhielt die Primarschule Bučin einen PC, einen Fotokopierer sowie ein Faxgerät.

Visiting a tobacco farmer in Presil / Sep 2007 :: arrow Visiting a tobacco farmer in Presil / Sep 2007 (14)
Together with Kruševo Mayor Lefkija Gažoska we visited a tobacco farmer and his family in the albanian speaking village of Presil near Bučin.

Hailstorm in Krivogaštani / Sep 2007 :: arrow Hailstorm in Krivogaštani / Sep 2007 (11)
In August the villages of Krivogaštani and Kružeani were hit by a terrible hailstorm. While the damage done be the hail was limited to a rather small area, wherever it did hit the destruction was devastating.   The storm even lifted the roof from some houses.

Photos from the villages :: arrow Photos from the villages (36)
Here are a few pictures taken in the villages around Kruševo:  Sveto Mitrani, Presil, Krivogaštani, Žitoše, Saždevo and otehrs.

In and around the town of Kruševo :: arrow In and around the town of Kruševo (36)
Here are some photos from Kruševo and its surroundings.

Forest fires / Sep 2007 :: arrow Forest fires / Sep 2007 (6)
The marks of the many forest fires that hit Macedonia this summer are visible throughout the country.

Outward and return Journey :: arrow Outward and return Journey (52)

These pictures were taken during the trip from Switzerland to Kruševo and back.  On the way going, I followed the shortest route.  But on the way back, I had some more time for touristic detours, I visited the beautiful lake Dojran, stayed over night at Gevgelija, and early next morning I took off  via Strumica and Štip to Skopje airport.


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